Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations

Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations.


Regulation V/1-1 of STCW Convention and Section A-V/1-1-1 of STCW Code


A trainee successfully completing the course should be able to perform basic duties and

responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment on board oil and chemical tanker

Target group  

This course provides training to candidates to be duly qualified with specific duties for loading, unloading and care in transit or handling of oil and chemical cargoes. It comprises a basic training program appropriate to their duties, including basic training for oil and chemical tanker safety, fire safety measures, pollution prevention, operational practice and obligations under applicable law and regulations.

Entry standards 

The candidate should be a holder of a certificate of Basic Safety in accordance with Regulation VI/1 of STCW (Basic Safety).    


IMO Model Course 1.01 “Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations”


47 hours / 5 days


On request.