Restricted Operator’s Certificate (ROC) for GMDSS
Regulation IV/2 of STCW Convention, Section A-IV/2 of STCW Code |
Objectives |
A trainee successfully completing the course and passing the examination will be enabled to efficiently operate the GMDSS equipment, and to have primary responsibility for radio communications during distress incidents in GMDSS area A-1 waters (coasting trade covered by VHF). |
Target group |
The course is aimed at officers, including passenger ships in coastal navigation, and persons who are to tend radio equipment in smaller ships, pleasure crafts etc. operating exclusively in A-1 waters. |
Entry standards |
The working knowledge of English and elementary computer skills. |
Program |
IMO Model Course 1.26 “Restricted Operator’s Certificate for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System”. |
Duration |
Full course – 40 hours / 7 6 days |
Schedule |
On request. |