Engine Room Resource Management

Engine Room Resource Management


Regulation III/1, III/2, III/6 and VIII/2 of STCW Convention, Section A-III/1, III/2, III/6,  A-VIII/2 and B-VIII/2 of STCW Code


On completion of the course the trainee should be able to demonstrate sufficient understanding and knowledge of leadership and team working and have the relevant skills to competently carry out the duties on engineering watch. Trainee also will have gained experience in starting up auxiliary and propulsion plants, setting the normal operation condition, keeping an engine room watch and in identifying operational problems and trouble-shooting them. Trainee will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the importance of preventing pollution to the marine environmental.

Target group  

The course is aimed at officers of the engineering watch (operational level), 2nd Engineer and Chief Engineer (management level). 

Entry standards 

The candidates should be holders of certificates satisfying the requirements of Regulation III/1 , III/2 and III/6 of the STCW Convention or appropriate diploma.


IMO Model Course 7.02 “Chief Engineer Officer and Second Engineer Officer”

IMO Model Course 7.04 “Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch”

IMO Model Course 2.07 “Engine Rooms Simulator”

IMO Model Course 1.39 “Leadership and Teamwork”

IMO Model Course 1.38 “Marine Environmental Awareness”


Full course: 42 hours / 5 days



Every week.