IRATA Rope Access Technician Level 1



IRATA Rope Access Technician (Level 1) training course is provided by International Training Centre (ITC) of Gridins Group – IRATA Full Trainer.


A trainee successfully completing the course and passing the examination will be able to perform a specified range of rope access tasks under the supervision of a Level 3 rope access safety supervisor.

  • able to understand and follow the rope access procedures, method statements and associated risk assessments;

  • to do pre-use checks of his/her own rope access equipment;

  • able to assist in rigging and other operations, under the guidance of higher grade;

  • able to undertake a simple rescue in descent, and assist in rescue operations.

Target group

This training course is intended for any person who is going to work in Rope Access industry.

Entry standards

Candidates shall be at least 18 years of age. The candidates should be holders of medical fitness certificate confirming their suitability for work at heights.


30 hours / 4 days + 1 day exam